CHECKMATE is an inexpensive and easy way of verifying your existing digital and non-contact thermometers against a UKAS Calibrated Reference Thermometer. The unit consists of an aluminium cup with a heavy cast base giving a good isothermal equalising block which has been suitably machined and coated matt black to provide a target with an emissivity of 0.95 (replicating the fixed emissivity of most low temperature non-contact thermometers).
The reference thermometer probe is fitted into one of two 3mm clearance pockets in the base of the Checkmate, additionally there are two 6mm clearance pockets, allowing for accurate measurement of the temperature of the equalising block. Any difference between the thermometer under test and the reference thermometer can be recorded and any minor errors used to compensate in actual field measurement. Significant errors will also alert the user to return the infrared or contact thermometer for repair and re-calibration. Surface probes can be verified by measuring the inside cup temperature against the standard, as can infrared thermometers.
- 50mm (inside) diameter
- 100mm deep
- 2 x 3.2mm and 2 x 6.3mm pockets in the base